Sunday, May 9, 2010

10 Things I love about my mom!!!

10 things I love about my mom...
1. She is my best friend.
2. She is still a kid at heart.
3. Her laugh. (sometimes she snorts) :)
4. Her creativity. She is always trying something new.
5. Her beauty inside and out.
6. She cares so much about her children.
7. I can tell her anything.
8. She shares my passion of art. One time we got a Bob Ross art kit and tried it out. Our paintings actually turned out pretty good.
9. She listens and helps me with my problems.
10. Her positivity. She can have a problem that she is dealing with yet she always has a good attitude and know that everything will work out.
She worked hard to give us what we needed. She worked nights so that either her or my dad would be there for us. I remember her sleeping on the couch in the living room that made into a bed. I would play with her hair and put bows and things in her hair as she slept. I don't think there was a time that she didn't work full time. We weren't very well off yet we always had toys to play with and food to eat. I am so thankful that she never gave up on me even through my teenage rebellion years. I am so thankful that I can call her up and talk to her when I need advise. She has always been my best friend and always will be. I love you mom!


Nutty Nicky said...

She sounds like an amazing person.

gm said...

She is an AMAZING person, I know because she is my daughter!!! I love it that you think such wonderful things about your sweet mom, Teara. She is, along with her sister, my best friend too. I think you picked a good one when you were up in heaven, to be your mom, don't you?? Love you all, gm

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