Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentines Day

Well, Valentines Day breakfastdidn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. You can't see it but the scrambled eggs looked pretty bad and the heart toast, well, it doesn't look like what I found on the internet but it worked. So I started off the day with breakfast, played a slideshow of all of my favorite pictures of us, gave him a candy poster (not shown.)

I made the marsh mellow treats for my Young Women. Again, not as cute as the internet showed but it worked....

Matt got me these flowers which I thought was so cute because we were talking about how a bouquet of flowers just die. Hopefully I can keep these alive. I also got some chocolate and Wii resort!!! Woohoo! But the best thing of all was the sweetest letter. Matt always writes the sweetest letter. Yes, I got teary eyed. It was so cute.

All in all it was a great Valentines Day!

The day after was Matt's Birthday. We had cake and ice cream with Brian, Teneil, Scott, Britney, and the kids. I was glad they came on short notice. Matt had no idea. It was the closest to a surprise party I could get.


gm said...

What a happy valentines day that was! Keep it romantic kids. We have for over 57 years, altho I got a potted plant and icecream sundae instead. Yum! love, gm

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