Saturday, February 12, 2011

Important Daddy info

So I got this paper in the mail with some Similac formula and Matt and I thought that it was so funny. It said......

How To Be a Hero During Delivery.

Having a baby is a memory that you'll both share for the rest of your lives. Here's how to make sure she doesn't remember it for the wrong reasons.

No Wincing. She feels vulnerable enough during delivery and doesn't need you reacting like your watching a horror movie. Remember, it's a beautiful miracle.

It's not a roast. If she is feeling awkward, she may poke fun at herself. Don't take this as an opportunity to craft your own zingers. Tell her she looks beautiful. And stick to it.

Never say, "It's not that bad." Some "clever" dads think that underestimating her discomfort will lessen the pain of delivery. Ditch the Psych 101 tactics. She needs empathy, not therapy.

Swallow your pride. She might yell at you. She might insult you. Hey she's in pain. And she trusts you enough to vent. So take it like a man, big guy.

Careful with the camera. If you want to document the delivery, great. But leave the commentary and creative camera angles to Speilberg, Your making a baby movie, not an action movie.

We laughed at the "Never Say it's not that bad." portion. Seriously, that's some good advise.


gm said...

I love it Teara, that is so funny and so true! GP doesn't have a clue because in our day, Dad's had to pace the floor outside. Wow it is avwhole different ballgame now. Good luck it won't be long now. It will be so much better than you anticipate. love me

Kristin said...

I love that one, what a great idea (and advertising)!Not long now!!!

Andy and Natalie said...

Haha! I love it! I always joked with Andy that I wanted to yell at him while in labor - just for fun, of course :). I never did, I completely forgot. It's hard to care about anything when you're so relaxed. I do agree with all of those, though.

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