Sunday, August 1, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

Camp was a lot of fun this year! I was in charge of the activities and it was quite the task! I wanted to make sure the girls had a lot of fun so we brought the giant rubber band thanks to Emily Miller, We played clothes pin tag (very, very fun), had a hilarious fear factor competition, played water balloon volleyball, decorated camp song books, and much more. Other activities that we provided at the camp were canooing, zip line, archery and crafts. I thought camp went great! Our girls were amazing. I don't remember much complaining, it wasn't hard to get the to help out, it wasn't even too hard getting them up in the morning. We stayed fairly safe. Savanna got Stinging Nettle, and Myranda got a tick but other tan that we were blessed with safety. My favorite moments at camp were, Myranda's mouth full of carrots (you had to be there. I laughed until I cried), daily scripture study, (one of the tents didn't want to come out until they were done with the chapter. Afterward they told us what they had read about. That was my favorite part). Devotional and singing and dancing to the camp songs. Yes there was one night after chocolate turtle cake that I really got into it. I think I shocked some of the girls. Fear Factor was so funny too. We have some competitive girls! Once I get the video I will post it. Camp went by really fast. I had so much fun and I hope that I brought some of the girls closer to their heavenly father in the middle of all of the madness. Before camp, our stake young women's president said... We were going to have the opportunity to reach out to those girls and help them feel the spirit at camp, when life's distractions like cell phones, television and computers were at home. I hope I was able to do that.


~Conradis~ said...

Wish I could've been there... :(

Nutty Nicky said...

Looks like you had TONS of fun!!!!!

gm said...

Oh Teara what a great opportunity you have to work with those darling girls. I remember those fun days! Terrific! Glad you had such a good time, and if there were times it seemed awful ( as I know some times I did) it is all worth it as you see those girls grow up and honor you and love you. Wonderful! Payback time is when they invite you to their weddings etc. Can't wait to see you at reunion ( or I guess actually Fri at the temple) yea! love gm

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